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Profile & Curriculum Vitae

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  • Name: Toshiki Sato (佐藤 寿紀), publons, ORCID: 0000-0001-9267-1693,  researchmap

  • Nationality: Japanese (岩手県出身)

  • email: toshiki.sato"at"

  • Research Interest: X-ray astronomy, Supernova Remnants, X-ray Telescopes

​Current Position

2021/4–: Senior Assistant Professor at Meiji University

明治大学​ 理工学部物理学科 講師, 宇宙物理実験研究室 主宰

Work Experience

2021/4–: Assistant Professor at Rikkyo University

立教大学​ 理学部物理学科 宇宙地球系研究室 助教

2018/7–2020/12: Visiting Post-doctral Research Associate at NASA/GSFC & UMBC

客員研究員 @ NASAゴダード宇宙飛行センター, メリーランド大学 (受入研究員: Takashi Okajima、共同研究者: Brian J. Williams)

2018/4–2021/3: RIKEN Special Postdoctoral Researcher (SPDR) at Tamagawa Lab.

理化学研究所 玉川高エネルギー宇宙物理研究室 基礎特別研究員

2016/4–2018/3: JSPS Research Fellow (DC2) at Tokyo Metropolitan Univ & ISAS/JAXA.

​日本学術振興会 特別研究員 DC2 @ 首都大学東京 (指導教官: 大橋隆哉、ISAS受入教官: 石田學)

2016/1–2016/4: Visiting Research Student, Rutgers University​ 

訪問学生研究員 @ ラトガース大学 (受入教官: John P. Hughes)

2015/4–2016/3: Research Encouragement Scholar at Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.

首都大学東京 博士後期課程 研究奨励奨学生


2018/3, Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University

首都大学東京 (現 東京都立大学) 理工学研究科 物理学専攻 博士課程 修了

2015/3, Master of Science, Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University

​首都大学東京 (現 東京都立大学) 理工学研究科 物理学専攻 修士課程 修了

2013/3, Bachelor of Science, Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University

​首都大学東京 (現 東京都立大学) 都市教養学部 都市教養学科 物理学コース 卒業

2009/3, Ofunato High school

​岩手県立大船渡高等学校 卒業

2006/3, Arisu Junior High school

​住田町立有住中学校 卒業

Award & Grant (Total ~¥71,230k, PI Total ~¥19,540k):

  1. [Grant] Co-I: NASA grant for a Chandra theory proposal (PI: John P. Hughes): ~$83,000

  2. [Fellow] PI: JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (国内学振): JPY ~3,000k (expected), FY2021-2024 (declined)

  3. [Grant] Co-I: NASA grant for a Chandra Large Project (PI: Matthew Millard): ~$160,310

  4. [Grant] Co-I: NASA grant for a Chandra observation (PI: Brian Williams): ~$70,210

  5. [Grant] PI: FY 2019 Incentive Research Projects (RIKEN grant): JPY 3,000k, FY2019-2020

  6. [Grant] PI: JSPS KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists): JPY 4,160k, FY2019-2023

  7. [Grant] PI: JSPS KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start up): JPY 2,210k, FY2018-2019

  8. [Fellow] PI: RIKEN Special Postdoctoral Researchers (SPDR) Program: JPY 3,000k, FY2018-2020

  9. [Grant] Co-I: NASA grant for a Chandra Large Project "Ejecta Kinematics Study of Tycho's SNR with Chandra HETGS" (PI: Sangwook Park): $156,840, Oct 2017~

  10. [Fellow] PI: JSPS Young Research Fellow (学振DC2) in Japan: JPY 1,300k, FY2016-2017

  11. [Grant] PI: Tokyo Metropolitan University Study Abroad Support Program: JPY 360k, FY2015

  12. [Grant] PI: Tokyo Metropolitan University Research Grant for Doctoral Students: JPY 1,800k, FY2015

  13. [Grant] PI: Travel Support by the ASTRO-H science working group: JPY 360k, FY2015

  14. [Award]: 2015 NASA ’s Robert H. Goddard Exceptional Achievement for Science Team

  15. [Award]: 2014 NASA's Group Achievement Award

  16. [Grant] PI: Hayakawa Sachio Foundation Grant: JPY 253k, FY2014

  17. [Award]: Best poster prize at 5th ASTRO-H Summer School: FY2014

Observational Proposals:

  1. 2021 (Cycle 23): Chandra theory proposal as Co-I (PI: John P. Hughes)

  2. 2020 (Cycle 22): Chandra/HETG for Kepler's SNR with 450 ksec (Large Project) as Co-I  (PI: Matthew Millard)

  3. 2020 (Cycle 22): Chandra/ACIS-I for Tycho's SNR with 150 ksec as Co-I (PI: Brian Williams)

  4. 2019 (AO-19): XMM-Newton for Kepler's SNR with 200 ksec as PI (Priority C)

  5. 2018 (AO-18): XMM-Newton for Kepler's SNR with 200 ksec as PI (Priority C)

  6. 2018 (Cycle 20): Chandra for SS433 with 100 ksec as Co-I (PI: Shinya Yamada)

  7. 2018 (Cyc 4): NuSTAR+XMM for 3C 397 with 136 ksec + 112 ksec as Co-I (Category B, PI: Hiroya Yamaguchi)

  8. 2016 (Cycle 18): Chandra/HETG for Tycho's SNR with 450 ksec (Large Project) as Co-I  (PI: Park Sangwook)

  9. 2015 (AO-10): Suzaku/XIS for Tycho's SNR with 50 ksec as PI (Priority A)

  10. 2013 (AO-8): Suzaku/XIS for 100 ksec as PI (Priority C)

Professional Services :

  1. Referee for the Astrophysical Journal, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,  Astronomical Journal

Outreach Activities, Public Talks, Press Release, etc

  1. 2020 (Web メディア掲載) Revealing the lonely origin of Cassiopeia A, one of the most famous supernova remnants

  2. 2020/08 (Image Release) Kepler's Supernova Remnant: Debris from Stellar Explosion Not Slowed After 400 Years

  3. 2020 (Web メディア掲載) 超新星残骸「カシオペヤ座A」を残した恒星には伴星があった可能性

  4. 2020 (Research Highlights) Rare-metal abundance points to a missing companion star for the supernova Cassiopeia A

  5. 2020 (解説記事) 超新星残骸へのジーナス統計の適用 ―Ia型超新星はボコボコしている?

  6. 2019 (Web メディア掲載) 光では見えない「ティコ」の超新星残骸から爆発の対称性を探る 

  7. 2019 (Image release) The Clumpy and Lumpy Death of a Star (Chandra image release)

  8. 2019 (Research Highlights) Clumpy structure in remnant probably formed in supernova explosion itself (RIKEN research highlights)

  9. 2019 (Web メディア掲載) 20周年を迎えた「チャンドラ」が観測し続けている特別な天体

  10. 2019 (Image release) The Latest Look at "First Light" from Chandra (Chandra image release)

  11. 2018 理化学研究所 一般公開 説明スタッフ

  12. 2017 一般向け講演 @ 宇宙科学研究所 一般公開 「エックス線で宇宙花火の速度を測れ!」

  13. 2012-2017 宇宙科学研究所 一般公開 説明スタッフ

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